Marc Guitart S.L. - Todos los derechos reservados

Ibañez Pharmacy

Constantly evolving towards the pharmacy of the future.


  • Ibañez Pharmacy


  • Healthcare
  • Pharmacy


  • Applications
  • Brand
  • Retail
  • Strategic Identity

Ibáñez Farmàcia, nationally recognized as one of the pioneers pharmacies in the sector, invests all efforts in a constant evolution towards the pharmacy of the future.

It raises new possibilities to be able to approach the future of its users. Providing added value and being one step ahead is what makes its growth exponential without limits in it. A brand prepared to host and promote SXIX own changes.

“Estem per tu” allows us to keep redirecting the brand, basing us on possible future realities without losing the user as the epicenter of the approach. Having overcome the paradigm shift of “product” in the exploitation of “service“, which is mostly accepted in our society and evolves from it to “experience”, allows us to focus all this experience towards the era of knowledge. Transforming all information into communication is the permanent challenge in Ibáñez Farmàcia through a complete omnichannel of resources.

Brand development

Today, the real context of the pharmacy made us evolve at the time in generating 3 distinguished complete experiences of approaching the brand Ibáñez Farmacia. Parafarmacia, Farmacia y Expert Care.


Always supported by the knowledge of the experts and the experience of José Ibáñez as a leader, we bet for the categorization of 3 business areas marked as 3 different objectives and developments of the pharmacy. Designing the strategic identity of each one of them allows us to make visible the differentiation of intentions and generate a scale economy that will later help to make them tangible through corporate applications. These physical evidences, peripheral to the different brands, allow the team, the user and the suppliers to understand the dimension and the importance of the coherence of the strategy.

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In the case of retail, it is a highly qualified space to house all the actions and rituals that are required to develop in each one of the areas. Each and every one of the experts has systematized the path of the users according to their needs and internalized the functionality of each one of the designed scenarios.

The omnichannel of the pharmacy is a present stage in each one of the business areas. Each one of them has been developed under the parameters of the designed strategy, leading to the digital and virtual reality the experience that is transmited in the physical reality. The two realities grow together, continually feeding each other. The same entity with different bodies. Taking care of every detail we allow the user to perceive the same brand experience with and in each of the contact points with it.

Understanding knowledge as the driving force behind the evolution of the pharmacy, the constant formation of the team is understood as essential in order to sustain the brand in an exponential growth chart.
