Marc Guitart S.L. - Todos los derechos reservados


Smart business is born from smart cities.


  • Maldonado’smart


  • Others
  • Security


  • Applications
  • Brand
  • Strategic Identity

For Maldonado and the people who work there, the philosophy of its brand and company is lived day by day.

A way of understanding this profession that has its beginnings since the founding of Maldonado in 1979, and which has been evolving and adapting to society in recent years.

Inspiring people’s vision is our main objective, which is why we work from our Cyclical Branding® methodology that allows brands to understand the context in which they develop in a cyclical way, in such a way that we help to evolve the brand experience into a smart brand experience.

Specialising in the security sector, Maldonadosmart was born from the need to enhance the service and empower each brand professional, focusing their knowledge and thus providing a better user experience. The Maldonado identity evolves to a smart brand concept advocating a transparent strategy for the user where corporate values are the cornerstone of its strategy.

Brand development

Maldonadosmart believes in research and development as an added value for the brand, where the R&D of new products and systems through hybrid technology (electronic and mechanical) positions it as a benchmark in the sector. Its knowledge, leadership and motivation is backed up by a business projection that does not stop where training is encouraged for the professional user who has the knowledge to offer various transversal solutions.


Maldonado proposes a graphic and corporate evolution in line with its new mission to incorporate new developments in the security sector. This evolution is centred on the use of dry stick typographies that allow it to exist in new, more dynamic environments, together with chromatic codes of a digital philosophy.

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