319 Soles

Solsticio de verano


  • 319 Soles


  • Aceites
  • Alimentación


  • Brand
  • Packaging
  • Strategic Identity

319 are the number of suns in a year that nourish Almeria’s olives.

The sun loves pampering Almería -it is one of the most luminous province in Spain- and representing how the sun rises and sets in here has been the main objective of the project, creating an interactive bottle in which you can find how the sun rises from the east and how it hides on the west just twirling the labeling around.

Desarrollo de marca

Develop a packaging that contains the essence of Almeria and its unique connection with the sun. It was important to tell the story of the sun’s trajectory and how it influences the oil process. Every detail of this slow but consistent progress had to be told in a packaging that was consistent with both the brand and the product.


In Cabo the Gata you can enjoy the sunrise and the sunset viewing how the sun kisses the sea twice in a day.

This beautiful peculiarity needed to be told and that is why we decided to tell a story about the sun around the label based on the 21st of  june –the longer day in the year- when the sun rises around 6.50 am and sets at 9.33pm aproximately.

This amount of sun light is the reason why the olives are so green and have a little but intense juice.

In this project we dealt with the packaging’s materials, choosing the right one to allow the smooth movement of the label to orbit around the bottle.

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