«Pino Montano, Seville; It proudly represents the essence, character and everyday life of its neighbors. It is thanks to this that we can say that we are proud of our neighborhood, our idiosyncrasy and our people. We are the people who give life to our streets, to our neighborhood.»
Primero mi barrio | Cruz Pharmacy
Pino Montano, Seville; It proudly represents the essence.
Brands should explore new, freer communication channels to let others talk about their solutions in a more creative
way and generate narratives where the product ends up seeking for itself from an innovative perspective. @cruzfarmacia fosters collaboration, connecting the lifestyle of his Seville neighborhood essence with the aim of his brand. A non-commercial approach, creating unexpected outcomes beyond the brief.
We present our new campaign “Primero Mi Barrio”, a year in which we are going to give visibility to the true protagonists of Pino Montano in Seville, our people; because for us, “My neighborhood comes first.”
Brand development
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