Marc Guitart S.L. - Todos los derechos reservados


Your eyes are as unique as your fingerprint


  • Ovaleyes


  • Eyecare centre
  • Healthcare


  • Brand
  • Strategic Identity

“Your eyes are as unique as your fingerprint, so why would you choose an optician that doesn’t deliver you a tailored service?”

This optician was born in 2012, with the aim to meet individual needs and help their customers to get the clear, effortless vision they all deserve.

Instead of focusing on selling, Ovaleyes take care of its customers, taking the time to find the ideal solution and treatment for every one of them. All this happens thanks to a great team and customer service. As a contact lens specialist centre, they are equipped with the latest topography imaging technology, to bring the best solutions and services to their customers.

Through the hashtags #visionmatters and its chromatic range, we managed to give an impact on social networks, thus achieving differentiation from other brands in the same sector.

Brand development

Ovaleyes apuesta por una marca renovada, tecnológica, joven y dinámica. Por eso, Brandcelona® se encargó de rediseñar la marca usando una tipografía san serif y buscando un elemento simbólico que caracteriza los servicios de la marca. De esta forma consigue acercarse a sus clientes, transmitiendo confianza, y animando a visitar el centro para obtener una experiencia personal con Ovaleyes.

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